1 July 2014Author's Note. I have been tracking the MH370 event since 8 March 2014, but am just now launching these pages in early July after publishing the novel and thought experiment Vanished Flight 777 on 5 June 2014. My goal here is not to post a comprehensive tracking of news stories. The news media are well equipped to do that. My point is to put up some dots we can connect to draw our own conclusions, as in the above update data points.
Regular Updates:as of June 2014 launch of our JTC thrillerclick the links above for periodic updates linking the thought experiment of the thriller-novel Vanished Flight 777 to developing events in Mesopotamia, Africa, and the larger areas of Islamic extremist attack. In one of the scary coincidences involving real world events and this novel, the Syrian civil war spilled over into Iraq, and the Terror Caliphate was born. Going back to the fundamental theme of the novel: Flight MH370's disappearance was too strange to be written off as an accident; quite possibly, it was hijacked by Muslim fanatics. We have to remain open to this possibility.
Scarier Yet: ISIS/L will reach shocking levels of success based on ongoing, covert, but known help and technical expertise from wealthy and/or educated Arabs covertly sympathetic to any cause that is hostile to the West, usually for dishonest, cowardly, and petty reasons that amount to treason against their own governments in the first place, unless those governments secretly encourage this well-known regional double standard. A very possible scenario in this: Flight MH370 was hijacked and all on board murdered; the plane is being weaponized at a secret location; and Flight MH370 will sooner or later be unleashed in a newer and even more horrifying 9/11 type attack. Extra warning: possible attack dates may include anniverary events, of which there are plenty on the jihadi calendar, including every May (the death of Osama bin Laden) and every September (can they outdo the attacks on New York City and Washington D.C.?).