More Thoughts about Vanished: Flight 777
Islam No Monopoly On Crazies. Coincidentally, we have this tragedy from Jerusalem (30 July 2015) and this tragedy on the same day. We have the 1995 Oklahoma City mass murder by U.S. white supremacist, pseudo-Christian terrorists and another right-wing mass murder in 2011 in Norway, and the list goes on. We may find comparable acts of (mostly lone or limited nut) horror from any sectarian direction of the compass (Christian, Hindu, or whatever). The impetus of this website is not to unduly point the finger at Islam, other than the observation that most of this type of activity currently comes from that direction.
Am I Sure? Here again is the crux of my study. No, of course I am not sure that this scenario is the correct one. I have created a reasonable thought experiment, keeping an open mind on all possibilities. That is the difference between me and the conspiracy theorists. I am looking in a fair and rigorous, detached and objective manner at all three lemmas as I see them. I think Lemma #3 (Hijack) is a very real possibility that cannot be discounted. Nothing so far has disproven it. Since we have found wreckage, we know the plane went down. That in no way discounts the hijack scenario; for which we must ask "why?" and I have proposed one possible scenario.
I took the major data points, including a sighting in the Maldives region, and the timing, and positedfor examplea hypothetical refueling stop on Ramree Island (Myanmar). There are dozens of other possible places in the Bay of Bengal where this could have been done. So: yes, it is possible that someone (Lemma #2)sabotaged the plane. I suspect there is a diminishing belief in the pure accident theory (#1). The idea of deliberate human effect falls somewhere between Lemmas #2 and #3.
Oceanic Gyres. Each of the major oceans has, among its many smaller currents, a predominant gyre (like a whirlpool current). These gyres generally flow in a circular path, usually with countless smaller currents and smaller gyres (like the . Those north of the equator (North Atlantic, North Pacific) flow generally clockwise, while those south of the equator (South Atlantic, Indian Ocean) flow generally counter-clockwise. It is possible, simply based on the Indian Ocean gyre, that wreckage from a plane that crashed off the western coast of Australia could take a year or more to be carried on the gyre current in a semicircular path toward Africa and ultimately back to its starting point. Alternatively, the plane could have gone down in waters anywhere west of the Maldives, been caught up in some of the myriad lesser gyres and currents, and still taken over a year to reach Réunion Island off Madagascar.
Cockpit Bogies. We should remember that at least two Iranian passengers on board did not belong there. Allegedly, these two young Iranian men (perfect profile for jihadi terrorists) were asylum seekers traveling with stolen passports. After some sort of quick investigation, the Malaysian government cleared the two of suspicion in the plane's disappearance. Why? How? Where are the details? The world wants to know, given Iran's hostility toward the West (we are allegedly 'the Great Satan', and every year around Ramadan Iran celebrates a national festival dedicated to destroying the Great Satanthat's us, the civilized people in the world). I am not accusing the Muslim government of Malaysia of anything; I am asking for transparency.
Maldives: Key Data Point. In the constellation of data points I relied upon for my hypothesis, the observation by Maldives Islanders (a Muslim country south of India) of a commercial aircraft matching the time and appearance of MH370 has been discounted by Maldives and Malaysian authorities. The islanders had no reason to invent their story, and are outraged by the convenient debunking of their story. If MH370 did fly past there (which I still find totally plausible) and then went down in the Indian Ocean, that would explain a number of anomalies. For one thing, debris would indeed join the large gyre, and perhaps be caught in eddies that delayed their transport; and wind up eventually at Réunion, as has happened. For another thing, it suggests that the plane flew low for two reasons: one, to evade radars, which is (duh!) why nobody saw it on radar (hello?); and two, it appears the hijackers were not able to repressurize it after refueling (probably in the Bay of Bengal) and so the troubled flight ended up in the water; which is a good thing, since it averts the horrifying scenario my novel (like a parable!) warns about: a horrific 9/11 type (or worse) attack by a hijacked, weaponized airliner against a major city or target. We must not discount reports of major confusion and fumbling by authorities (CNN upd 9 March 2015) during the critical first 10-12 hours following the disappearance, by which time the putatively hijacked plane would have flown past Maldives heading west in this scenario. Indicated flight path may have been NW-SE, which might conform with the plane's troubled and fatal final hours post-Maldives.
Between the convenient dismissal of two Iranian (agents?) illegally on board, traveling on stolen passports, the disappearance of the plane, and the at least circumstantial evidence of an attempted flight toward Africa, it seems almost criminally negligent to simply dismiss this scenario. It is possible the plane went down off Australia, as the talking heads want to think, based largely on a single transponder blip (which could have been faked by transporting the black boxes on a decoy plane); but let's look at all the possibilities, not just the first one at hand. Let's face it. This case is so strange that all possibilities must be looked at seriously, no matter how far fetched they may seem. The hijack scenario is fresh as ever, and too dangerous to cavalierly dismiss. In any case: if not this time, maybe next time? Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
A Few of Many Maldives-Related Articles:
Perfect Timing (March 2014)
Frustration (April 2015)
Insist (April 2015)
and you can search Google for many more articles, some pro, some con. The mystery will not simply go away based on convenient but improbable dismissals, including the two Iranians and the Maldives sightings.
A Novel and Thought Experiment
by John T. Cullen
"Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty."
Print Edition: Order from any bookstore or major online retailere.g., Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com. Print ISBN=9780743316422.
Kindle e-Books Edition: Vanished Flight 777 by John T. Cullen (ISBN 9780743316446).