Story Plot for Vanished: Flight 777
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Epilog: Maps
Part Two: Team Gray on Diego Garcia
(Pages 38-85 of 165)
Jack becomes acquainted with a large group of other experts flown in by U.S. and Allied governments. I'm guessing that some of this material will be more interesting and intelligible to men and women who have spent some years in active military service, with a reasonable amount of higher level view, as I did long ago.
Remember, this is a thought experiment, not a slick, thin thriller. Jack Dorsey will appear in other novels with Team Gray, and this novel sets up some of the supporting cast.
The operation now comes under the command of U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Paul Falk, whose liaison with Team Gray is the exotic, redoubtable Commander Mary Rose (Maro) Rodrigueztall, red-haired, and green-eyed. Among the foreign intelligence officers Jack works with are Dr. Rebekah Goldstein of Israel and Dr. (Prince) Mustafa ibn Malik, Ph.D. of Saudi Arabia.
On the hijack assumption, Jack and these two explore possible targets ranging from Haifa in Israel to the Shatt el Arab waterway that could close down the Persian Gulf, stop much of the world's oil supply, and bring the global economy crashing down.
Further targets in Europe include St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and St. Paul's Basilica in London among other symbolic, high-pain targets to really sock it home to the Great Satan (us in the civilized world).
There is yet another prize target I do not yet discuss, talking about high pain (hint, yes?).
By now it is accepted that Flight 777 was hijacked, flown to northern Africa (meaning Equatorial and points north), and will be weaponized for a terrible bombing attack on a major target.
Then comes the news: a suspected hiding place has been identified, complete with a runway stretching from a large camouflage tent site in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), full of lawless territories in which sectarian terrorists can operate with impunity. This becomes the target of RDLM Paul Falk's special forces, including elements of Jack Dorsey's by now expanded tactical troops.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Epilog: Maps
A Novel and Thought Experiment
by John T. Cullen
"Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty."
Print Edition: Order from any bookstore or major online retailere.g., Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com. Print ISBN=9780743316422.
Kindle e-Books Edition: Vanished Flight 777 by John T. Cullen (ISBN 9780743316446).